Saturday, February 17, 2007

Of Pirated Software, DVDs, CDs

I walked around Imbi Plaza earlier and lo and behold, the Malaysian authorities seems to have cleaned up the place. It's still dirty, but what I meant was the pirated software, the PS2 CD, DVDs, and what have you have all been banished! I've also heard they've arrested some traders.

First they cleaned up the porns (Petaling Street is JUST not the same anymore and I do love the cat and mouse games the traders and authorities plays some evenings), now this? Hehe. What next? But the fake T-Shirts, Handbags and Watches are still being sold openly. Brunei may yet become the last outpost for pirated goods in this region. Now that's a scary thought.

Ignore me, I'm just killing time while waiting for my flight.

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